Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Moving Day!

Today was the big day...moving day!  Well, moving in that is!  Yes, I moved all the stuff I’ve compiled since learning that I’d be moving up to 3 rd grade in to my new classroom today.  Well, I actually placed the totes in the classroom and spent the 4 hours that followed cleaning out and moving out the prior occupants belongings.  Grrr!

You read that correctly.  I moved out the last teachers belongings. Actually, what was left of them.  BUT there was enough left in there to take 4 hours for me and 2 helpers to move it all out in to the hallway (as suggested by my principal).  I hope she isn’t mad when she comes back to school!  In my defense, I emailed a few times over the last few weeks, waited, and then called twice yesterday and today.  No answer, no reply, no response.  So, at the suggestion of my administration and academic coach, I moved it all in the hallway!

So now, I’ve cleared the space and the real “moving in” can happen!! Tomorrow, that is.  I’m exhausted!!  Did you know that moving furniture, cleaning and carrying boxes for 4 hours burns over 1100 calories?!

AND I BOUGHT A COUCH FOR $16!  Yes...a couch.  For $16!! A nice little Goodwill special, 50% off because it was today’s chosen color!  ;)  I cannot wait to cover it and make it match my room.  I will definitely be posting pictures of THAT project!

The plan.  My plan for tomorrow is to return to school and clean everything.  De-dust, de-funk, and de-stink EVERYTHING!  ALSO...tomorrow I’ll be trying my hand at no-sew, DIY curtains for the classroom, thanks to DIY Classroom blog!  Pictures to follow of my adventures with stitch witchy...

P.S.  Here’s the couch I got for $16!

$16 before...


  1. The couch is adorable! Great find! I am your newest follower. :)


  2. Thank you so much for following me! I am excited to be beginning this journey and to be blogging along the way.
    - Leah
