Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Things are coming together.  Yes, pre-planning starts in two days, but Im still working and I'll be working in to pre-planning to be 100% ready for this school year.  See, I have this issue with doing things better than perfect.  I can't just throw something together or leave something for later.  I do everything until it's completely finished and to my standard.  And I have high standards.  So, I pay the price.  Yesterday, I worked all day on labels, dividers, a PowerPoint and getting my reader's notebook together.  However, I am happy to say I completed these tasks and have them here to share!

First, I wanted to share pictures of my upscaled ugly plastic laptop cart.  It was dingy and dirty and yucky when I entered my new room.  So I cleaned it, draped it in fabric, added ribbon on the edge and applied contact paper on the top to give it a new life.

Also, here is a picture of how I displayed my class rules...

My word wall which is right above where my focus wall will be for all our "We Can" statements, both organized and displayed by content area.  I made them dots to match my theme!  ;)

My writing materials center, "The Write Stuff".  

NOW to share my stuff!!  First up is my PowerPoint for introducing classroom expectations.  I've saved it in PDF format in Google Docs because the font I used will not transfer over in otherwise.  The version in Google Docs does not have my name on it. ;) You can bring it up on your interactive whiteboard and delete the slides you don't want or use it as a guide to create your own.

1 comment:

  1. If you've tried to snag the classroom expectations ppt and couldn't, you can now. I forgot to change the share settings in Google Docs. I've done that and through the link above, you may grab it!


